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Hey there. I haven't played the game as of yet. Reading through the comments has me really wanting to play it.

I've played many VNs from itch and other places. The fact that so many people are giving you such high regard has me hopeful. 

I'm looking forward to a great story, character development and of course some lewdness. If i have to work for it, i am ok with that. Makes it more interesting and valued.

Thank you for the efforts you are putting into this creation. I look forward to playing it today.

Well... I really wanted to play this game and see what all the hype is about. But as usual, Mega is being difficult. I have an account, I'm logged into it. But dor whatever reason whenever I click "download in app" it takes me to the screen to download the app.

I really hate Mega. Its always giving me issues.

Might i suggest other options for downloading? I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it


Actually, I do have another option! But only one can be selected on, so I go with Mega.

You can check the other links available so far here (public post):

If the game is half as good as your helpfulness I will be so very happy.

Thank you so much for replying so fast and providing me an alternative to downloading.

You've made my day!


I've been playing it. I'm loving it. 

The story flows really well. The characters are great. I love the choices. How you can't have everything. 

I love it.

Thank you


Glad you enjoyed it!

One thing I did notice. Maybe my eyes are off. But Kokos beasts looked lopsided on the plane ride.

I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. Was she leaning to the side so that's why it looked that way? I have no idea.

It's the only thing I could find that really stood out to me as a possible oops.

Otherwise, it's very good.

Hmm, possible miss, yea!
Sometimes the menu for it can be annoying to press the small reset button, it definitely happens so possible I missed it ^^