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Your point was negated on my first reply, you just can't accept it... maybe you cannot understand it or you don't believe me.

So let's try this again:

Stating that something has low points, does not imply that it's bad. 

If you trully believe that because i stated there are low points on the sex scenes, then i must either also think that sex scenes are bad or that i intended to make that point,then let me repeat it for the fifth time (5th time): No, i never said that the sex scenes are bad, never implied it and never thought the were bad.

And this will be my last reply to you, since i have absolutelly 0 hopes of reaching any kind of agreement, simply because you just don't want to.


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Do a spell check before you reply again. idiot.


Just stop arguing and go make out already

This is getting annoying 


dude, dusty, the reply this guy made is like, very correct and very constructive, and the fact that they took their time to reply to you and explain to you what they ment despite it being very clear to begin with is not something you should mock them for

like, I feel like you are taking "things arent perfect and can be improved but it's not anything as bad as the OP said" means that they're just shitting on it, which they arent

like, the sex scenes CAN be improved, it took a fuckton of work to get em as good as they are, and they still arent perfect, to say that they are is more of a shitting on all the effort it took in my oppinion; the system is as good as it is because of a fckton of effort and in order to accomodate further improvements

as examples of things that can be improved: allowing for automatic use of hands/tonge/etc, givving those automatic uses different speeds and whatnot, being able to use the automatic uses simulatenously, stuff likeunique interactions with neck kisses and the like, etc

to say that those things cant be added, that quality of life improvements cant be made, is just flat out wrong, the game is great and a lot of work was put into it, but it is more respectfull to the ones working on it to both give them credit for it and tell them what can be worked on

Thinking back on the way I was typing at that time. (I have... Issues. Incase that wasn't apparent by my insecent need to correct people on their mistakes.) 

I wasn't aware that I'd said that it couldn't be improved, and childish mocking aside, he gave some good pointers. They just came across as... Forward thinking.

I'll re-read his paragraphs if you wish?... Try and give a second opinion?

that's up to you to do if you wish, I'd read it, and I'm sure they'd appreciate it if they see it

how reasonable and self-aware of you

hello again.

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I can't blame you, that "MasterAnon" guy has some serious neckbeard vibes. Correcting a pseudointellectual's grammar should be appreciated every time.