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I was pretty much totally invested in this from the moment it actually made me deposit forty quarters. That one gag from The Simpsons has also really stuck in my head ever since I was a child, and though I've never felt compelled to actually make an entire game of it (or even really considered the idea), it's fantastic to see that someone else did. I particularly enjoy the little Milhouse hands flailing about on screen, and the clunky step-step-step Mariner walk. It's hugely impressive that you managed to make this feel so clumsy and awkward while still allowing the kind of precision that makes it possible to actually complete on only 80 quarters (not that I'm going to try - it took me 2680).

By the way, I tried installing this via the Itch app and ran into a weird problem: the drop-down list asking "What do you want to install?" was empty. Pressing on regardless just threw out an error. I'm on Linux (Ubuntu), which is almost certainly the problem, but other Windows stuff tends to launch fine so I'm not sure what was going on here. It's hardly a disaster, though - the .exe ran fine in WINE when I just downloaded directly from the website, so if anybody else is running into a similar problem then that's probably the way to go.