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(1 edit)

Felt the need to update;

I've progressed further into the game and unlocked the Demesnes, Morgana's servants and ownership of the College among other things.

I gotta say this has generously brought me the diversity I was lacking. The tournament practice in Asterias demesne for example, all 3 (technically 4) girls were different and appealed to one part of me or another, personally I prefer Zoe, it's cute how she stays around to help with the trainings, but all of them were great (Alexasteponme).

I also liked how Veronica and Madisons questline ended up, sure Madison is still around despite being constantly rejected but the changes that occurred in dialogue and the aftermath of Madison becoming her slave are fantastic.

Another thing that surprised me was how in-depth the childrens feature was despite being an Alpha, it gives more insight into the characters and it's great to see the motherly side of some girls.

Taking all of this into consideration, I believe you should try to rework act 1 before getting too far into the final phases of development, it's the first impressions and as it currently stands it fails at giving a proper look into what to expect from the game.

Also gib moar Jackie, she deserves to have as much fun as Jackie? with enough trust.

PD: Gran juego bro

I'm glad you're enjoying things more as they open up :) This is my first game, so a lot of the Prologue/Act One was me figuring out the SDK and modelling software, trying out ideas and seeing what worked and what didn't.

Once the game is in a beta state I'll be going back over the whole thing to polish, refine, add more events and generally bring the whole thing up to par. I'm expecting that to take a few months :P

Much more Jackie (plus Jackie?) to come in Act Three! Revelations abound!