Back, For some new combos with characters that I'm surprised I like and an updated notation.
- 'A' - Light
- 'B' - Medium
- 'C' - Heavy
- 'D' - Special
- 'X' - Super
- 'Y' - Assist
- 'jc' - Jump Cancel
- 'J.(' - in air
- ')' - Land
- Label: Character(Badge, Support)
Shirley(Anything, Gigli):
5A - jc J.(5C - 5Y) - 5B - 5C - 6D - 2C - 5D
Notes: Summons all three ghosts in one combo. The hard timings in this combo are the "5A - jc j.5C" and the "6D - 2C" Links but this combo in general is hard but not impossible
5A - 5B - 5C[2] - 6A - 5D - jc.(5A - 5D) - ...
Notes: Combo into his launcher, pretty basic and seems like Phil intended for this combo, so it's nothing really special.
Marv(Pain Chain, Gigli):
5A - 5B - 2C - 5Y - 2B - j.5D - 5X - 5X - 2B - j.(5C - 5D)
Notes: Combos from his Regular String in to his Grab with the help of Gigli. The "2C - 5Y" Link is actually pretty challenging so it will take practice to do this combo.
My single pet peeve is the time I had to wait to get my support back