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Similar comment to the one below, I got stuck with the crown in a place I couldn't leave. But the second-to-second gameplay is good, and with some refinement on the level design or generation (seems like the levels are partly fixed and partly random?), you could really have something here.

If possible, I'd also be interested to see how this game plays a little sped up.


Thanks for the Feedback interestingly for most the games I have made I get feedback about speed. It must be a natural thing for me, I am trying to work on this lol but clearly not quite enough lol, I will make keep pumping up and may revisit and update this on e in this space.

for the animation I tried to keep it simpler so this helped me get better and more concise overall look.

I really like random elements so in all my games I try to include some things. But in this one only random thing is path of the pumpkin bombs. 

Another item in the feedback is getting stuck at the end and the frustration. I am afraid I suffered  the same curse other devs comment on, I play so much I think it’s too easy. That said I promise it’s doable but would take a few goes to know where to visit last (avoiding getting blocked in at end.

I did miss the time area a touch, best I can do to complete is zero deaths and 1.5 minutes. 

I wish I made it less frustrating as I made a leaderboard and it would have been nice to see some folks join me. Still lesson learned and I will step it back next time.

thanks so much for the feedback and playing.

Your comment inspired me to go back and try again!

Knowing that the spaces which fall out are fixed every time helped me approach the level in a different way and I managed to make it to the (bottom of >.>) the leaderboard~

Communicating that mechanic a little better and warning the player that getting stuck is possible if they don't plan their route well could probably make this game more playable, even without changes to the mechanics