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Thank you! ^ ^

Scene Transitions can be turned OFF in Extra Options (it's an Item in your inventory that pulls up some extra Options that aren't available in the Menu GUI).

You actually start of with a decent bit of money if you sell your starting Potions, Maid Dresses and starting Furniture (except Stove and bed, don't sell those please).

Opening Chests can also give 3-8 Silver per day (assuming you can see and disarm traps) when you sell the contents. There is actually not that many uses for money in game, especially once you get a few hours in.

Appreciate the advice. I've found that you are correct. Before I wrote my piece I mostly dipped into a couple of the preset classes and one hand made one. I found that early game the money hump appears incredibly large, but you do get over it rather quickly. It's not an entirely unsatisfying way for things to go, but I do look forward to seeing how things go with more content to get into.