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(1 edit)

Hi, I really like this game but I have a rules clarification I'd like to ask. What does increasing the cost of Segments actually do? The number of Symbols determines how many dice you roll, and the number of points in the circle determines how many times you roll those dice. The size of the die for each Symbol starts as a d6 but increases with cost, so a 3 point circle with all new Segments and a new Symbol is simply rolling 1d6, like the example. But if I have a 3 point circle, and I rolled for the Segments and got two new ones but then rolled a Segment I previously had, it says I should upgrade the cost of that. So I have a 3 point circle with a Symbol and two Segments without a cost increase, but one Segment with a cost increase. But by the rules I would still only roll a d6 one time, for a 3 point circle with a Symbol with no cost increase. So I am unsure of what increasing Segment costs does. 

Hey, glad you're enjoying the game.
On page 6, under Cost Upgrades, it says to increase the die size for each cost upgrade in the Segments or Symbols table. That should probably say Segments and Symbols table. In your example you'd be rolling a single d8.

Ahh okay, makes sense, thanks! And great job, I really am loving the game!