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wut mine still at 52 how many deaths u got


so it was just like a long game? no spawncamping or anything?

No, i spawncamped, the thing is, i suck at it.

bruh let's spawncamp some noobs later, towers is best map

Sure, Im up for it, but once a pro gets on, im outta there XD

yeah same i'll be out when u out, that's the rule, one goes two goes (btw if we spawn on different teams, just reload, i might do it sometimes too). we also gotta find fresh games(no flags capped), and also dumb teammates and enemies (enemies for killing ofc and dumb teamates so the game can last longer so we can get higher kills. I want both of us walking out of that game w/ 100+ kills and 2000+ scores lol



when shall we do this?

idk im only allowed to 10 minutes on the pc a day so ill need to do discreetly


so, this weekend?