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Hey, I get that. It's fun chatting about games, and hard to find a good place for adult games outside of maybe their discords, occasionally one of their pages.

I don't mind feedback! The stats are kinda iffy, I think you're right for 1-2 stats (usually 1 offense and 1 defense), but the tertiary stat I've had a lot of success splitting up. 10 points for Vitality gives access to some very powerful traits, worth far more than 10 'wasted' stat points. You only really need something like 0.5 points a level in Insight for similar results, and weapon users can do well with 10 or maybe 20 focus.

Not sure how I'd fix it in a hypothetical game 2 - maybe lower scaling, more base damage, and slower leveling with bigger jumps from individual stats?

Combat visuals/sounds are absolutely planned, maybe icons, HOWEVER, my budget is... cheeks, and getting good ones will take time and money. Especially with how many weapons and spells there are lol. So I agree with you, just... don't expect too much anytime soon there.

Floating numbers is actually something I tried to do this update, but renpy seems to have some very strange bugs with multi-spawning self-hiding screens, they would appear fine but be impossible to hide. I'm sure it's possible, but I will have to experiment more in a future update to find a way to make it... less shitty.

And you can join the game's discord anytime, it's reasonably large and active, and I'm always happy to discuss the game or writing there! I just don't check itch as often, and writing longform like this can make it easy to miss a point.