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Why is it not possible to see all the scenes in the gallery? 

There are some scenes i would like to see again but i don't remember how to get them again and i can't find them in the gallery :(

(1 edit)

Sometimes the gallery doesn't unlock the scene you already saw. Load into your game and open your laptop in the manor and use cheat to unlock the gallery. It will unlock all scenes in the gallery though.

I just go back and the game into a new slot whenever I'm about to enter a scene.


Gallery is meant to have the scenes that are not repeatable.

Scenes that can be replayed ingame over and over won't appear there (unless Arc just feels like adding them)

I wouldn't mind if Arc decides (if he has the time) to do it, it would be a nice update i think


It'll be done during the final "polish pass" phase of the game, when everything is mostly complete :)