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hi does char or sprite pad import png and export to basic? thanks

(8 edits)

Both apps can import PNG files and export to binary or ASCII text (both are directly useable by ie. cross-dev assemblers).

Exporting a C64 BASIC listing (ie. DATA statements) is not supported but you can load a PRG file from basic, which is easily made out of a binary, just add a 2-byte load address to the file using a hex editor, low byte first.

This will give you a lot more flexibility than using hard-coded DATA statements as the data can then be loaded by any program.

hi  do you have a link on  how to add multiple pictures  with hex editors etc? im just familiar with Basic and tying to make a game in it (from my pngs). And /or would the text be compatible with petscii which I can add via basic? thanks.

(4 edits)

No I don't have any link to give you but I'm pretty sure you can just use the LOAD command in your BASIC programs to load PRG files to the addresses specified in their first two bytes with ie..

10 LOAD "BMDATA",8,1

20 LOAD "BMCOLRL1",8,1 

30 LOAD "BMCOLRL2",8,1 

I really don't want to get into the finer details of this here but using BASIC is likely to limit your freedom with where and how many images you could load, the data for one (full-screen) multi-colour mode bitmap is usually around 10KB and the BASIC and kernal ROMS occupy 8KB each, so that's 16KB gone before you even start.

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