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Hi! Thank you for playing Emberfate. It looks like the 0.4.2 build had an error pointing to the wrong save directory on the computer -- please download the newest 0.4.3 build to see if the issue has been fixed.

Otherwise, you should be able to find your previous saves manually in:

  • Windows: %AppData\Roaming\RenPy\EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/RenPy/EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206
  • Linux: $HOME/.renpy/EmberfateTempestofElementsPublic-1631333206

You can then copy the saves over to the "saves" subfolder in the unzipped game folder. Then relaunch the game. The old saves should appear on the list again.

I apologize for the issues. Thank you for your patience!

Thanks for the answer.

Before seeing it I tested the last demo and it works perfectly. Maybe it was a specific problem in the old file which was corrected with the new file ? 

I don't know but it works and I have to say the game is amazing !

It really brings back memories of mmorpg and guilds problems ah, ah, ah.

On the game "game" part I always forget the mp with the potions before the first raid. Every time... Oups...

Anyway, I'll try to follow the steps of the resolution you described if I have a new problem with a future update. Thanks again !!!!!

I'm sorry, I posted it under the wrong reply...