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It got copyright claimed. If I didn't take the video down it could lead to a copyright strike. I emailed the guy that sent it and am waiting for a response now.

damn that sucks, i used some copyrighted songs but didn't think it would be a problem (since the game will always be free)

So the guy that owns the video clip of the time lapse sent the copyright claim. He said that he did not get credit for his video clip. I emailed him saying I could give him credit for it in my video description on a reupload or I'll just reupload without his clip in the video. I'll let you know when he responds but that video is going back up with or without it. 

i'll make sure to give credit to the timelapse in the future, sorry for the trouble.


So he got back to me and politely made it very clear he does not want his clip in the game. This also means if anyone does a video with ending 1, their channel will get a copyright claim and possible copyright strike.  I'll re-upload the video without the clip. You made a fantastic world and going to bat for your excellent work was my pleasure.  My recommendation is to take the video at the end of ending 1 out and leave it as or replace it with something else. We really enjoyed your creativity with Somnium and hope you add on to it.  These things happen all the time. Don't let this discourage you.