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(1 edit)

My bank still won't allow the transaction because the receiver still requests euros with no conversion option. If you have a way to accept a paypal payment on another platform other than paypal, I can do it, but otherwise, unless the transaction is in USD, my hands are unfortunately tied. I'm very interested in your pack, still.

I checked my options again but right know there is sadly no way for me to receive PayPal transactions right now :(

But since you seem to be a nice person and I don't want you to miss out because of my PayPal problems I'll give it to you anyways. Maybe you could give me a review of my "Error Ware 2" demo in return? :)

Send an email with your user name to ugamezgermany[at]gmail[dot]com and I'll send it to you.

Wow, Thank you! I will shoot you an email in just a bit and once I go through the pack, I'll post everywhere I know to (twitter, OGA, here, mostly) about it! Do you have any particular preference to anywhere else I should post a review?

No that's totally fine! :)

I did not receive an email yet, if you're still interested write a mail to ugamezgermany[at]gmail[dot]com!

Sorry, I am still interested, things have just been busy on my end with work, the US presidential election, and my personal projects. I did get a chance to play your demo and will post my review tomorrow. I'll go ahead and email you now.