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(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

I played halfway through Ciel and the first tenth of Aholly. 
I mean to fill a reclamation!

First, how comes there is no polyamor routes? These two knights are impossible to chose between, and seeing them turn jealous of each other was torture... (wait, I said "the two" didn't I? Sorry. make that three: Anton, Florian, and Ai AND DON'T TELL ME TAHT'S NOT POSSIBLE lalala I don't wnat ot hear it. I co-ship them all four together and it's reality and you can't change it. ><

(I read a few comments and it seems that Yvin is a favorite and Florian the least popular .... HERESyyy... Actually, I was agonizing all over Yvin moments wondering where my hare- Imean my friends, had gone at the time; am really not a fan of the Yvin-type neither in frienship nor in romance. So I'm glad you made Florian. Thank you!

...But. The polyamor route. ><
I really really would be grateful for an option to keep all three happy and closely knit. 
I mean having best friends torn up in a rivalry and then one of the two abandoned behind... this is cruel to the player...why did the guy who made the Moon Obervatory create these umberably cute and twisted worlds? The cuteness actually build on the psychological horror after we see what happens and how everyone seems resigned and placid about the cruelty...brrr)

Also, since the plot is linear, at some point, we have to put up with other characters advances whether we like them or not, while our babies are in danger or worrying over us! Naowy Ma'am! This is unacceptable, so here i come! To fill a request.
And to throw a tantrum. A polite tantrum. But one nonetheless. (But don't take this too seriously ;)

These worlds seems so pure and lovable and them some foul character come and introduce perversion, and from then one, even the gorgeous designs can't prevent the taint to remain on the experience, I...
I was looking for fluff and comfort, and ma not sure the series are for me. And it's very very difficult because the georgous art and adrogynous MC and guys I just can't