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I always say I'm going to introduce myself earlier and end up waiting until the last second <.< 

Hi! I'm Pat or LabRatTish (she/her). I'm an artist by trade (both 2D and 3D), but also have degrees in programming and English. I was really excited to find this Jam since it aligned with stuff my studio had been thinking about doing and let us give the guy who wants to learn how to code, the ability to be the lead on the code for our project--we're using Unity and our game is about avoiding space junk. Hopefully we'll be done in time!

You can find me on Deviantart, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr as Labrattish, or on artstation and sketchfab as pasipes

My personal portfolio is here

My studio's (CodeLitter) other game jam games (some of which are way more successful than others) are here