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Thank you for your comments man.

Level 1 >> i dont want to people know directly so i gave a couple of hints on jumping and then, the character can only dodging the enemy because (he) doesnt have a weapon. after the first level, there should be an event. For this event, people are being taught to strike enemy infront but doesnt give a clear answer how to use another weapon like throw a knives, using a pulse or fidget spinner.

so all of the possible controls are 

  • left, right and down
  • w for jumping
  • r for attacking
  • f for using a sub-weapon
  • esc for game menu

Level 2 >> this is the level that makes people turn off because, it has a jumpscare, limited view, and dis-oriented music (I got dizzy hearing this music so i give u guys to mute it) how to mute it? after you already in this level go to game-menu and press M (i also gave a hints on how to do this but, that hints are used the jumpscare)

Level 3 >> start to introduce an annoying enemy and strong enemy. the hardest enemy that i make is goragona the medusa. She has complicated AI-system that i make itself for this level

Level 4 >> its the end of game branches. this game has two endings. i dont want to give any opinion but, its supposed to be very secret

This project under-went nearly 2 years itself because i am a noob at making a game. 

  1. Unfortunately, this game doesnt have save system because, for its too complicated so if you get game-over it really is over. i guess its an old-school nightmare difficulty. 
  2. There was no moving platform event though, it is a platformer game yes as i said from the beginning i am still noob at making a game

I think i did put the screenshot about this game. For this onward, i have many option that i want to make :

  1.  Learning game development about android << i dont have a concept for now but, maybe the simple game from now on
  2.  Learning 3D fps game << I have a concept about this game. It is about survival 1 vs 4
  3.  Making a simple RPG game << I have a concept too about this game. The battle system of this game is turn-based battle with rock-paper-scissor style and its about computer system

For now, i just want to make a game that I can get paid.