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Very cute art style. I think it could benefit with some kind of tutorial, for instance I only figured out that you can double jump after quite a bit. Also the game over came quite unexpected, I think there is a timer? Would be good to show that as a TextureProgress somewhere in the UI.

Thanks for feedback!

The tutorial is probably the most requested feature, and yet… The game is cryptic by design including its objective and controls. Those are expected to be explored by the player providing a sense of achievement when figuring things out as opposed to tutorial spoiling half the fun :) You did figure out the double jump in the end. You figured out where to find which fruits and where to put them as well… well done, you figured out something without explicit instructions :)

The “game over” is expected to be unexpected as well. If you look carefully, you can see a binary doom 🍎 timer in the lower right. That one is probably too easy to miss, I should have made it bigger, I guess.