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That really means so much, AHHHHHH!!! Your words are seriously making me so happy right now. I'm really glad that you've enjoyed it and the characters so much!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•

"Hope at least one of them has a happy ending, they suffered so much" --> THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL. Or at least in my mind LOL I do still actually need to write Arc 5. But I promise that is the goal at least hahahahahahaha

"Honestly after arc 4 I was just like "why don't they do a poly already"" --> HELP I AM THE SAME LMAO. Everything is just so complicated HAHAHA it would fix so much. I feel the same about Genzou and Orlam. I love Genzou to bits but freely admit that he is an asshole that needs to come to terms with himself. Also in my mind sometimes I just need the two of them to be OK for the sake of my heart LOL I hope Arc 5 will be able to do them justice once it's finished ๐Ÿ˜ญ

GAH, THANK YOU!! I've been floating on air a bit even since your first comment LOL And I'm glad you liked the rest of the arcs so far after you played them, too!! ๐Ÿฅฐ

OH!! That song! I can give you a link: (it's the second song on this page) THERE IS A LOT OF MUSIC YES, LOL. I actually do want to make a devlog at some point with a music list describing where the music is in the game along with links so people can easily find any songs they like, but I keep forgetting LOL