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Hey, i just rage quitted from your game and well it was fun for most of it. The music is quite good even if it does not really fit the theme i guess. However, like i said i rage quitted, and there are several reasons for that :

  1. The game loads so freaking slowly, i mean when building environnements. I had to wait 1-2 minutes before being able to actually play just one level.
  2. I assume you build your worlds procedurally ? Because eventually i got stuck on level 2 because i couldn't get the rabbit back because he spawned within a rock (look at the pic at the bottom) ...
  3. The game feels so unfair ... From the obstacles that cut half of your lifebar off (and sometimes they even one shot you because you take 2 ticks of damage from nowhere) to the rabbits that got stuck in the different world elements and for whom you have to go all the way back to unlock them in order to finish the level (this is the main reason why i ragequitted. When i went back from the start to bring the locked rabbit he died just after, then spawned again but then the item 2. happened).

Actually it is a pity that there are these flaws, because the highscore system is a genius idea. It really prevented me from ragequitted several times, and even it got me replay the tutorial and the first level to get the first place, which i didn't manage to do :'(

Anyways, i do think your game has potential, and i had quite some fun playing it. I managed to get the second place on both tutorial and level 1. Maybe i will replay your game when you patch these flaws to get the first place on each level ;)


Thanks for this huge playtest and feedback! Most of the waiting time is only the recalcultating navmesh for the bunnies by script. The rest would be done in few seconds. Dynamic navmesh is still in preview and recalc only the bounds of the maze was not possible for me, all the navmesh objects on the fly rebuilding also failed. Before this last version the bunnies often stuck at the barrels or the stones, and now I made some compromiss to be able to run with them nearly nice but its not perfect. Also the procedural stuff is nice made with scriptable objects, I like my new code base, its flexibel and easy to enhance. But not precises enough yet. I collect at the moment a list of todos for one bigger update after the jam and I add now your feedback to the list.


This is cool ! I didn't know that stuff, now i understand. I really like the way you're working, i'll make sure to check your game again when it has more content :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the motivation! I solved the loading time, now it is few seconds only. I have only on the maze a navmesh now, based on easy physics colliders each cell and each passage and in the start cave. And the terrain is now excluded from the navmesh runtime calculation. That was the time killer. A main step solved into a more handsome game experience. I give a message when I updated the game after the voting and will do more improvements now