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Nice prototype of the game, gives some Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley/Animal Crossing feel. Sahil said there are some minor bugs. I would add to the list:

 - GamGam said the dialogue with collecting bark and shaky-shake twice to me, collecting bark was spelled diffetently but otherwise it was the same dialogue

- Having to hold mouse button to gather stuff is kind of tiring after several minutes, if you were to expand on the game I would suggest adding a trigger (ie. hold LMB to suck, press X to keep sucking until you press it again)

- When collecting leaves getting the final few to get sucked requires usually some mouse moving in different directions, maybe it could be improved (more power/wider cone if less items are present?)

- Why does the MC have the Leaf Sucker on them in the first place? not a bug, but it's not expanded upon at all.

Nice job, keep it coming