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(3 edits)

I have found the error that did not allow me to reload rooms. The new updates show that Gamemaker has added a null variable to my object. As I have this object in all the rooms, it is corrupted in all of them.


As for the reload code of the objects, I can't replicate it, but I get that error code in the main character when I reload it, I can't figure out where the problem is, but I know that in the previous version, when I changed part of the code of the steps in the character, things stopped working.

I will continue investigating and let you know if I find the solution in case it is my problem, thanks for your help. 

EDIT: I found the error, I'm using accents whether in regions or commenting code, or even in Strings, In my language it is normal for comments to have accents:

#region Animación mochila
//Partículas jugador

EDIT2: The special characters i'm using are these: 

á, é, í, ó, ú