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(9 edits) (+1)

Hey there, I came here not expecting much - especially since I only just found the game, and noticed there was a long break between the last update and the 2020 release. I was not sure if the project had been abandoned. But after giving it a go, I gotta say I'm totally for this project and I'm impressed. Though I've yet to complete the entire game, I thought to give my thoughts for those who haven't played, and as well as for the developers.

There are plenty of lewd/NSFW games out there, and like any game you have to sift through the vast amount of bad ones, but then there are games with lewd/NSFW content that have a certain charm to it - with actual gameplay involved; not just point and click. There's an overabundance of games where the player is 99% skipping dialogue, looking at inanimate pictures rubbing against eachother like someone made a stopmotion video with play-doh and called it an "animation". The amount of cashgrabs I've seen out there is insane. Intertwined is how I would describe myself, with how smooth the experience has been here so far. There are even aspects of this game that some people can appreciate in other titles.

For starters, there's not much handholding involved - you do have to pay some attention to context clues and dialogue if you want to find items throughout the game. When the game finally opens up about >30 mins, there's plenty of areas to explore, all of which feels like this real, living, breathing world - with little restriction until you complete some objectives. At first I was expecting a straight shot through a linear story, with none of this depth. You have your defense stats, attack stats, and your other stats which can determine whether or not you pass speech checks. This is not a new thing in games, but it reminds me a bit of Fallout's speech system - just adds that extra edge of replayability so I can go back and see where that leads.

Speaking of replayability, there are these collectibles scattered throughout the world, and just when I was wondering if the devs implemented a way to replay these, they already thought to include a "view gallery" option in your room. There's a currency for purchasing items, there's a job board, there's a store with an abundance of variety for armor, weapons, etc. The attention to detail is wild! But more importantly, it has a charm that keeps me interested. There's plenty of NSFW scenes involved for those that are looking for those, but the game goes far beyond and delivers an experience that keeps you playing for hours. Although puns aren't my thing, I must say the prelewd had me hooked from the start. I also like to pet that cat sometimes. If you haven't played the game you'll be confused, but I can confirm there is in fact a cat, so of course the game is going to be a 10/10 for most cat owners across the world. Mine's name is Joji. She says the game is a solid 9/10, truly a cat-tastic experience if you will. 

Furthermore, the characters are designed to appear unique. Almost every character has some flair to their design. My only complaint here is how some of these characters lack a certain depth. I'll leave out spoilers, but my understanding is that most characters seem to fit into one of three categories: creepy, or creepy/bad, or nice at first, then turning into bad guy later. You rarely get to meet a character that isn't trying to have sex with you at some point in the story, and even then some of these lack a proper background that makes me care about them. I know from the start, there's a character that I'm trying to save, but the game hasn't spent enough time establishing that connection between Jenna and her for me to actually care for this person. As the player I know she's important to the protagonist, but if the game doesn't spend enough time showing me their story, or why I the player should care about this person, we won't feel that same impact.

Thus far, my only other complaint is in the way objectives can be completed at times. It feels like in order to complete Objective C, you must first complete Objective A > then Objective B > then Objective C in chronological order, or trigger dialogue before you can pick up items. I think when going back to replay the game, this could be annoying as people will know what to expect - so it becomes a matter of clicking on everything, skipping through those same scenes just to speed up and get back to playing. Though, there is an option included to skip challenges and get straight to the action.

Everything seems so well-crafted at this point, I felt that out of all the reviews which fail to address these things, this needed to be said: great job. Don't give up.


Aww, you have a very cute cat!

Thank you for the thought out review, it is very appreciated! ❤️