Thanks for your feedback! (was actually hoping to get one of your nice overfew analytics) - the Game was absolutly not made for Controllers - I am happy that it even worked with one xD
There are 4 different Tilesets I use, I recollored all of them to fit one color palette so it won't stick out when they switch. I love layering background and foreground for perspectiv and world depth - I am very much into decorating and making every inch look a lot like a "natural" world.
The Slopes issue is one of the hardest to fix I guess- if you don't write a own script/logic only for this, adding a lot to the playerObject and .... wel I simply fixed it without a deadzone or something but with a "If grounded and no input - > set Friction to 999999" xD its a workaround nothing more. - Thanks a lot again for your reaction!