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Heya, got a problem, can't start the extended demo, tried it from the files here and on steam and nothing. The game just won't start, it won't even open up

Hello and thanks for the report. Are you using Windows or a different system?

Hello there, a Linux-gamer here.
Gotta report something similar. As far as I understood, the game should run after clicking "". By default, it doesn't as it's missing the executable flag (addable by running "chmod +x" in the folder where the file is located).
After that, you get bonked by "lib/py3-linux-x86_64/RoyalOrderExtendedDemo: Permission denied". Also fixable by running "chmod +x lib/py3-linux-x86_64/RoyalOrderExtendedDemo".
Mind adding that stuff to the download-and-install instructions?
Thank you.
By the way, this game is fricking great and awesome and I totally didn't not get addicted for those couple of hours of visual novel in the extended demo.

Hello! Thank you so much for reporting this, it's extremely helpful and we will add this to the download instructions. And glad you enjoyed the demo! :D