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Nice short game with great art and an intriguing idea.

More or less all (small) things I would criticize have been mentioned by other comments (I am happy I wasn’t the only one soft locking himself).

But one thing I personally don’t like are the music and SFX. The music is too repetitive for me (good in the beginning, but if you play longer times - because you have to restart for example - too much for me), and the SFX can be quite harsh, especially the Hideous Hymn has something at the end of the sound which is just loudly “scratching” in my headphones. The same thing is not as bad with stereo speakers. So for my run through I just muted the tab.

But it seems others like the music and SFX, so my opinion might be an exception.

Thanks for trying it out and sharing your feedback!

I'm pretty happy with the music selection myself, but the SFX were pretty last-minute (I used bfxr). I may tweak some after the rating period is over. It's really valuable getting a lot of feedback because different people will often see the same thing differently. 

Now that the rating period is over, I've uploaded a new version, containing 24 bug fixes and new features in response to community feedback.

I have not made significant changes to the audio, but I did tweak the logic that slightly randomizes the pitch--it was making certain sounds, including the Hymn SFX, scratchy at certain frequencies.

 Feel free to check it out, and thank you again for sharing your feedback!