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Alright...I'm not too big on this fetish myself anymore (pun intended), but is it possible there could be a fruit or something in the inner park forest that infects the player with a blueberry transformation virus/condition? And like the purple mushrooms, your character would grow over time? It also could be used for the "plant mama" when her section is updated. Just a thought!

like Overgrowth? 

Yeah that would be a good concept, I do see it as a good way to Introduce Unique characters.


And yeah I could definitely see Camilla using the infection to her advantage, for example if you lost or something she would trap you like Mistyra and feed you the infected berries, and then maybe like another plant character could help you with the cure or smth.

Honestly I think Camilla, is going to be a Passer by RNPC just appears time to time, which Kinda worries me as many other games do not take Alraune seriously enough.

I'm unfamiliar with like half of what you just said XD but I think the more this game gets updated, the better it'll get!

Camilla, Plant Mommy a soon to be added RNPC, her kind Alraune, plants grown from Lust.

Oooooh okay thanks for clearing that up for me.

Hmm, I'll see. I'm not too big on the inflation thing either to be honest

Yeah, it was just a thought that (maybe) fit in with the current narrative of the inner forest. Up to you, Indivi! Sincerely, thanks for the game bro! I'll be lookin' out for new updates and such.