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The prologue left me a little confused and concerned about the main game. There's a bug where sometimes the cutscene won't activate and you'll have to restart and walk through the entire thing again. Fortunately, the main game leaves a really good first impression with the super creepy gore and spacious cabin. You're eventually introduced to the stalker enemy of the game in a very raw and direct way, and I really enjoyed that because it felt dynamic and real. 

The game eventually falls into a bit of a mediocre state with poor sound design in that you aren't able to tell where the killer is most of the time and that's pretty bad but eventually you'll come to find that it doesn't really matter. The stalker can never catch you unless you do something dumb. They're really slow and stupid, and sometimes you can lose them just by running around the back of a building.

The puzzle gameplay of running around and finding key items that unlock other places with more key items isn't one that I'm fond of but if that's your thing, this game has plenty of it. Solving the puzzles isn't unreasonably or overtly annoying - unless you consider the droning sound effects of the stalker chasing you with a chainsaw the entire time.

This is a perfectly average horror game, and I think it's worth playing just for the really cool gore scenes and initial horror factor.

Thanks for making games!