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(1 edit)

Hi! I played this game a while ago and deleted it but kept the saves just in case, However, now that i reinstalled it, if i put the saves back into the data folder, it doesn't do anything and nothing pops up. I tried putting the save folder and the insides of it in the save folder inside of data but it doesn't work, can i do anything for this or is my old saves gone bad?

What OS are you on? Depending on your device, you have to put your saves in different locations.


PC > Local Disk (usually C:) > Users > USERNAME > AppData > Roaming > RenPy > CorruptedKingdoms-1547378918

~/. renpy/CorruptedKingdoms/


(1 edit)

Android of course and yes, I put it in the right place. Nothing seems to work. 

Maybe, try to play the game a little and save. Then find the saved files. Replace the files with your backup.