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today is 9 18,在1931年9月18日,日本蓄意制造并发动的侵华战争,是日本帝国主义企图以武力征服中国的开端,是中国抗日战争的起点,标志着中国局部抗战的开始,揭开了第二次世界大战东方战场的序幕。九一八事变后,中国人民的局部抗战也标志着世界反法西斯战争的起点。

Yes!!!! Salute. The Chinese armor will always be better, and I killed a bunch of people in samurai armor. Btw my frined hates Japanese people, doesn't matter what they do.

Pay respect to the 四方 warehouse bois

Acording to multiple Chinese articles on Baidu and Toutiao The Japanese government is afraid of China because they fear revenge.

The age-long conflict between china and japan, just know if either one of them attacks first, China will eventually win.

(2 edits)

Did you know the  剑 is overpowered compared to the kAtanA because they are the same length, but the 剑 is one handed, allowing a shield to be used, and it's also more resistant against impact. 剑 better lol