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I didn't see a single enemy, except for the boss. At least I'm assuming it's a boss, since you're trapped in the room. It didn't appear to be taking damage so I'm not sure.

The game looks good and I loved the idea, especially the part where you have slices of bread for your lifebar. I didn't like the way the jumping was floaty and wasn't sure if this was intentional or not.

Yeah, we really had to cut the gamedesign because of time issues; had some funny enemies planned actually that should have been roaming around. (like "traineels", these would have been fun...)
The feedback on the boss being hit is probably not strong enough then? Since we didn't have a SFX, we just went with the boss becoming more red with every hit, kind of overheating.

Thank you for your comment! We have to look into more tricks to make a better character controller. Jumping acts a bit weird, that's true~