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I definitely notice the rogue-like element. Although it does feel more rogue-like than metroidvania-ish, it is also what you’re exposed to before the idea of a metroidvania kicks in.

The game feel reminds me of Minit, although, since dying is a big aspect and arguably a focus of the game, I do wish for it to be less punishing. The player has a lot of hit points, but the floaty movement kind of makes that necessary. I wish the movement would feel more in my control and that the move speed were doubled, perhaps also more respawn points & a smaller hurt box.

Without those, having to track the same path multiple times without it providing any additional progress along the way feels a bit like I could’ve spend my time better.

In conclusion: I believe that if the movement were less floaty, perhaps the starting abilities of the player were just a bit more generous and some more respawn points/shop stations were added along the way, that it would instantly feel a lot better to play.