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then tell what to use instead that to run this game

(1 edit)

dunno, I'm just tired of seeing pages of 'Flash' thumbnails on games that used to use flash, but are too lazy to find an alternative, and it's frustrating to see games I loved to play (Kongregate and Armor Games in particular) never get ported over to something that DOES work. Whatever that may be.

I know it's not your fault specifically that Flash died.

I've seen so many games here on itch in Ren'Py with the same if not better performance and detail than Flash. I even stumble onto Flash games on other sites attempting to translate to Unity in some cases.

I'm not a Dev. I don't even have coding exp. So I can only guess as to how much more work it would be to change a game over.

I can only assume that people either: are working on learning another path, or are too lazy to do the work and research to see what their options are, or just decide they don't have the time to do the extra steps and abandon the game altogether (sadly).

The point being that if you want to keep the game(s) going, you're going to have to choose how to go about it.

Either way (apart from some back-door workaround somewhere) Flash no longer works, and as far as I know, never will again.

Well you're wrong dude, flash works just not recieving updates. That's 2 totally different thing. These games that were finished before Adobe closed down the business just doesn't worth it for the dev to convert the game over to a different one. Why? Because you can still download any old versions of Adobe with which it will work and honestly not taking up much space. Those game that were and are still in development since Adobe not releasing updates were converted already (at least most of them). But as I said the older games that were finished before the last update of Adobe are still working with it very good. And btw you're saying it wrong (or don't know it), not "Flash" is the main point here, there are dozens of Flash players, the main point here is specifically the Flash player called Adobe :) .