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wow, 32 of the ORIGINAL nanocritters! Yeah, I like these better than all those newer ones which devolved into using household objects for ideas (oh wait the mugu nano :P)


"dislikes: eye violence". Don't we all :P

birb! (-type)

Breb crumbs!!!

Is it read as one word, "bevil", or is it "b-evil"? I'm guessing the latter.

nope, Bevil is a nano.

Hee hee, fedora-type

wow, #20, thenix, I thought at first they looked like a guy doing pull-ups but thought that didn't make sense and that there are many ways to interpret sprites and was probably a squid of some sort. Turns out I was both wrong and right.

Nono!! Refusal-type! (not to be confused with Refuse-type). I'm pretty sure you ran out of ideas for sprites and animations so you you made that, then immediately named it. :P

Aardbark, that's a good name actually. Though in bitsy it's hard to make it look more aardvarky...

Were you really really hungry when you made these.... this is like, the fourth "seafood-type" I've come across!

This sigment is adorable!

These are all amazing! I had lots of fun reading through them, and also got a lot of ideas (to steal :P) for sprites! I hope you had as much fun making as I did reading it! And hey, maybe they'll catch on with your kids too!