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Get a damn life and stop patrolling the comment pages and defending a dev that doesn’t give a fuck about you, unless you are the dev in which it doesn’t come as a surprise that you’d go to such length to defend your trash.


Rather than making his own game, he needs a tutorial on how to leave a proper negative review.

This one is far too personal and doesn't have a grain of constructive criticism or areas to improve upon, which means it gets discarded as random trash-talk from a hater, regardless of the game being good or bad.


so says the random guy who cant even be bothered to reply to the correct post.  i never said anything about making games.
go sit down.

Right, random guy. I just tend to get mildly annoyed at random guys who think cussing on a forum is going to get any point across aside from a lack of manners.

Also, where's this 'correct post' nonsense even come from?

figure it out smart guy.

Can't be bothered.


Or maybe, people are tired of hearing regurgitated excuses month after month after month from a guy who clearly doesn't even have any interest in his game at this point.

That's what some people call a clue.  But this is and literally the land and home of the blind leading the blind which is why we have clueless comments like this.

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And as I said - I just took a look at what there already is and it's pretty good.

If what's there is all we're getting, then that's a shame but doesn't make it any worse.

By default, I do not expect a game that goes into Hiatus to resume anyway - that's just setting yourself up for disappointment. Especially free games.

You obviously don't have any idea about what the big issue is.

The dev is active.  He posts his monthly droppings and half digested crayons on Patreon and does absolutely nothing else for over 3 years.

(1 edit) (+1)

And that is a big issue why?

This is a free playable game. It works well enough. I don't care what the dev does right now.

EDIT: Tho I will remember to check if his Patreon is paused as he said it was at the end of the month. Just on principle.

Only reason I ever bothered to speak up here is cause the negativity in here is so overkill it makes me nauseous.

But whatevs - I'm not particularly interested in getting further involved - I said my piece.