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What GameMaker engine was this made in, exactly?
There are a number of versions, with slightly different qualities, and We're trying to sort games we download by it's engine and then the game's version.

According to its Wikipedia entry;
The first version was called Animo and was primarily a graphics tool.
It was later called Game Maker, and then GameMaker (these two are the same product by different names, supposedly the name was changed for legal reasons?).
Very shortly after being called GameMaker a new version came out called GameMaker: HTML 5.
The next version was GameMaker: Studio.
The GameMaker brand and project was then acquired by another company\group, who later released GameMaker: Studio 2; some games we found on itch that were made with GM:S2 on itch are also marked as being made with the first GM:S, which is where our confusion on which GM was actually used comes from.
The current software of GameMaker is just called GameMaker(?) again, now differentiated by version numbers.

We want to make sure we put your game in the right folder.

Deleted 1 year ago

Okay. We won't play the game then, since we won't have it on our computer.

Deleted 1 year ago