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why do i have to pay again for the latest update?help please


Hey there, thanks for your support :D.  The releases act as an alternative to subscribing to one month of our Patreon or SubscribeStar.  Our patrons/subscribers don't receive every future release either. 

The idea is to help fund the game.  I encourage you to wait for the retail release though if you'd rather just check out the finished product :D.  Please see the project's description for more info. 


Why are you being so unworthy, when the said best thing is to wait, nobody reads to understand the main factor of the team making sure aren't bugs for this game he wouldn't dare let a bug screw his game over, make people unhappy about it, you need to chill the hell out, @evtree456, you're just being more ignorant enough to know how game build and how they work.