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This game was beautiful! To interested players: I can't recommend trying to get all of the endings enough. (For the beautiful art, and the extra story)

**Spoilers below*

Wow. I can't believe how hard the solo route hit me. In the beginning, with the silhouette saying "You don't belong here" I went straight to assuming Astrid's death was going to be abuse related. Of course, those stories can be pulled off very well and emotionally, but I have seen quite a few. Seeing Astrid and Vol's argument felt so real. You could genuinely see they loved each other and wanted things to work out for the best. When Astrid discovered the reason for her death and that Vol's last words were 'I love you'...I can't describe the feeling. Her learning to move on from her guilt was a moving story, and very well written at that. I loved every part of it! Great job.

That being said, I hate to criticize such a lovely game, but I have to remark on the epilogue. I thought the idea of getting a glimpse into Vol's afterlife was great, and the little "date" between him and Astrid was sweet. However, I felt Remmy's character was very unnecessary. It seemed to ruin the tone of the game a bit, and boil it down to a simple "To be continued?" ending. 

Overall, a stunning game with a moving story and beautiful art. I hope to see more games from you in the future :)


Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely words, and for playing the game! I'm very happy that you enjoyed it and that it resonated with you. :)

As for the epilogue, I totally get where you're coming from. It's purpose in the narrative is more of a side-story thing that gives you a little glimpse of things to come (as well as some more time spent with Vol), which is why it's not called an Act like the other routes. But playing it in a vacuum, and expecting it to continue Astrid's story even further, I can definitely understand how you'd feel that way (and I suppose it may be evident that the epilogue was added as new content to the game, and wasn't originally part of the story). 

Thanks for letting me know, and have a great day! :D <3