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very cool rpg!! my read: deliberately balanced in and out of battle to evoke a very specific mood. dungeon crawling is messy, brutal work, none of us are here because we want to be. but by being diligent and methodical, we can constrain the danger, the unpredictability, the gloomy quiet of the dungeon to something manageable. take it one room at a time, walk back to camp and rest when you need to, don't count on things getting much easier, make sure you've brought what you need, make every drop of mana count, make sure to save up money and supplies for future catastrophes. despite the weight of the job there was a lot of warmth in the experience - it felt like the game was generally on my side, rewarded my patience and curiosity and showed no interest in punishing me unduly. the dungeon isn't cruel or indifferent, just demanding. navigating it felt like three people putting their heads down and getting to work on a long, messy job, doing what they need to do. professionals

i appreciate sealed fortress for having a unique and specific vision and realizing it robustly across all elements of its design: combat, exploration, presentation, narrative and all. i'm on board! curious to see how it develops from here, thanks for the memorable experience


Thank you so much for this thoughtful review!!!! <3 I'm really really glad you enjoyed the demo! ☺️