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Dear Scott

For something that I managed to put together within a week I was not expecting to get anything more than just "Nice work" or "Cool idea", it feels a bit weird but also great to receive such well written feedback so thank you very much for that.

Currently I am continuing work on this project little by little with the idea of making a simple pick up and play rouge like beat-em-up with level layouts that get randomized every time you clear all enemys within a level. It will most likely be quite different from what is currently available although the gameplay controlls will be the same or similar. I do not now when but I do plan on releasing an updated prototype to this idea on my itch profile.

As for the title screen, I had made one for this prototype but for whatever reason it was not showing and being new to working with Unreal Engine I had no idea as to why that is. I'll try to make it work next time. :D

Once again thank you for the feedback!
