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(1 edit)

Even if there isn't as much bondage fun to enjoy in this iteration, there's still plenty of stuff to do. I personally appreciate the new additions of the attack moves, and I think they bring a bit of new life into the game, both as offensive and movement tools. The roll is (sadly) no longer cancelable from 0.1.3, but I did manage to find three new little quirks of the game engine to make up for it. You can choose to call these "glitches" or "bugs" if you want; I prefer to call them "movement techs".

The first and most basic is the aerial spin kick causing a sort of double-jump effect; using it at the end of a long run can help you get some distance to clear larger gaps.

Second is common in quite a few 3D Unity games, actually: since forward and horizontal movement each have their own set speeds, running diagonally causes you to run slightly faster than you normally do, like a pseudo-sprint.

Finally—and this one is actually something new to me—Conney actually walks faster or slower depending on the camera angle. With the camera tipped down at the floor, her speedy running pace slows down to more of a sexy sashay, complete with a different animation and softer (most of the time) footsteps. Faster than her belly crawl, but slower than her default run... the precursor to some sort of stealth-based gameplay? Or simply some devious plot by the Evil Witch to have Conney walk a veeeery specific speed for a prolonged period?

Either way, I love everything that's here in this version, and I hope you find a use for all of it in some way, shape or form. Keep up the amazing work.

  • Move cancellation does sound like a good idea actually. I had to remove it because there was some jank. But if I find a way I'll bring it back.
  • The diagonal movement and speed depending on camera angle are just amateur programming bugs. Those are entirely on me ^-^'_\
  • I'll try my best to keep it up 👍