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Hi gohod,

I couldn't replicate either issue, sorry.  However I'm going to release a new version shortly (v 1.12) which has a 'sync' test on game loading, which should delete any skipped levels from the skipped list if the level has actually been solved.

When the PlayDate crashed on you, was the 'Restart' level option in question the one you get when there's only one left of a certain shape on a level and it gives you the Undo / Restart options dialog?  If so I could have a look and maybe add something to 1.13.

Honestly, couldn't tell you, but thanks for looking into it!

You must let me know if you get your skip token back !

I think when I first completed the level that was stuck in the 'skip list' it had told me I'd got my skip token back (but I don't know if I actually had).

I had two other levels in my skip list, which I managed to solve in a fit of inspiration, and now there is no skip list.

So that's nice.