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I bought the game because I was looking for something to fill gaps in our DnD game (sometimes we go a month between sessions).  After reading everything I found myself looking for a tutorial to answer questions like: challenge 9… so, a d6? So you need +4 mods from items AND roll a 6 to succeed?  That’s a hard one then, right?  What about a challenge 12 then, how is success even possible? Or is this a d8 we are talking about? Or a d20, which makes this much easier.  Also, are we laying out the whole deck on the table to build this island?  A tutorial, or example of play would be helpful for us rules-interpretation challenged people :)    Thx!

So bonuses give you additional die. So yes to succeed on a challenge 9 you would need at least 1 bonus (but more helps). There are no plus modifiers in the game. Just more dice. Yes you lay out the cards face down during island construction, then move around them and flip them face up. A video is coming soon, recorded but editing is painful ;)


thanks!   I will be looking for that video, all the best to you on it!

Took me all day, but I finished it. Thanks for the pressure ;)