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Thank you very much for your reply! I think it's very important for ccommunity because you're feels like not an invisible buyer, the creator see you and other peoples. You're really cool!

If you don't mind, I would like to suggest you me an easter egg that will teleport you "Back to the past, Samurai Jack". 

Big locations is not so good if you're playing on cellphone with emulator (after all you HAVE to play with 1K pixels) and I understand why are they became smaller in LD+ but they're somehow stylish, as well as an old enemies sprites.  I'd like to say that LD and LD+ is a different games somehow

Also I would like to see more common "home" actions and situation. I love Cassy, she's so cute, but after a storyline and a single one date almost all I can do with her is sex...

Thanks again, I'll keep waiting for further updates until you finish this game or I'll die course is very possible haha😁

You're welcome! I try to respond to everyone

Probably not gonna do trademark stuff!

We'll be going back to Cassie at some point, not to worry!

More updates will come for sure!