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Can you make it such that mobs don't get hurt by traps? Annoyance when they "warp" to you from the other side of the room because they got stuck in a trap.

Thanks for the suggestion, when designing the game I wanted to add 'feedback' inertia - such that if an enemy is hit by something they should recoil  - like when you hit them with a sword - similarly if they stupidly walk into a hazard like a spinning blade/axe - it should hurtle them.  I get that it makes it more difficult, but I kinda feel its part of the game, you need to keep an eye out for an enemy about to walk into a hazard and plan your move.  Would be interested in other players views on this? (incidentally this is mainly a feature in Dungeon 1 and to a lesser extent Dungeon 3)

I'd be curious to see what people say. If the game is to easy it gets boring, I like a good challenge and feel that "retro" games should be more challenging.