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The game overall was pretty darn good. borrowed the “P.T.” Concept and molded it to your teams style and made it your own. It seems like a good compacted game, didn’t experience any issues with the start up or the exiting of the game, it ran smoothly. I did have a couple of issues with some of the in game play. I mention on my gameplay video but the halls and rooms look super dark (even with the hallway lights on), maybe it was my monitor but it look dark, hard to maneuver through. During the zombie sequence, it look like we phased through the zombie, making it easy to get away from it. Maybe creating physical contact ability with the zombie would make it a little challenging to get to the objective.overall the game was really fun, the jumps scares got me. Had a blast playing the game. Keep up the great work. I made a playthrough if anyone is interested in watching it 


Hey ALT_er,

Thanks for playing our game and nice video, it's very awesome and also useful.

About the issues we are working on them for our next version, it's very appreciated you mentioned them and show them in your video.

no problem, thanks for checking out the video. keep up the great work, can't wait for the next version!