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Really great job on this game!
Was very disappointing to see AI-generated art though. Even just some low effort MSPaint sketches would have been better. Visual art is a communication between the one who made it and the one who is observing it. With generated art, there is very little communication happening. No feeling. It's like looking at a blank space.

But hey, the soundtrack was very cool!


This is a combination of AI art and mine - I generated AI pieces to get an other-worldly feel, then digitally painted over them and corrected them to make them feel more cohesive. This was made before more powerful models like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion were public, so the outputs I was getting were better as inspirations than actual pieces


Ah, I see! That makes it more interesting. Well, good game regardless, thank you for your work! 




Just played the game. Felt like I should say it again. Shut.