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Ahh, I'm so glad I was able to finish Remnants of Calandria before the voting deadline ended! This. Was. Awesome! It took me a liiittle bit to realize what the setting was, but after it clicked for me what the pillar was and I read the notes leading to the generator, I was SO impressed! I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say I'm a history nut and thoroughly enjoyed the setting/message of this game. Wow!

Among other things I liked:

-Love Hiro and Saki, both very well written characters

-The music! You did a great job of setting the tone right away with your song choices. I especially loved the music that plays when you first enter the cave behind the graveyard. 

- Lol at the other characters' awareness of players' tendency to snoop around

-Beautiful presentation, art is GameBoy-reminiscent and looks amazing

-Level design was very, very good. I like how everything in the dungeon -- the puzzles, rocks, orbs -- were  interconnected even across rooms. This had to be tough to do, especially for a pretty sizable dungeon, so nice job!

I did run into the bug where the room resets after Saki hits the orb, but it wasn't hard to get back to that point. Really great job with making a complete, thought-provoking experience for the jam!


I haaaave fixed that bug and it should be fine in the post-IGMC hotfix version, now.

Yeah, while reading over diaries and stories, That Thing struck me as something that could be very wonderful to base a game about and write about. I'm glad that the music and writing bounced well, I care a lot about audio design and I had a lot of fun writing character interactions.

It was definitely tough, but I had a lot of fun making dungeons. It, just mapping out traps and figuring out ways to set up puzzles. I'm glad that it went over well!

Thank you very much and thank you for your feedback!

Np, thank you for a fun experience! Definitely rooting for Calandria & happy to see it’s placed so high up in People’s Choice,  congrats!! ^^