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Hey! I played your game a few days ago and I thought I would leave some feedback (especially since I also released an entry with a similar premise, although we did take different paths).

And I really enjoyed this game a lot, and that's an understatement: the protag was endearing, the main couple is tremendously cute (I even have a personal crush on Arley), and I'mma fight for Nanala to get the girlfriend she deserves.
I found the story well-paced, progressive yet fast enough considering the time-frame you've given yourself: the characters could expand their personality and their feelings in an effective yet cute fashion.

I also have to mention the art: from the characters, to the GUI, to the backgrounds, it was a very cohesive ensemble that really worked with the cheerful tone of the game!


I really appreciate the feedback/glad you found the characters endearing especially!! ;0; That's one area I'm still a little self-concious about haha; Same for the pace of the story/everything really- Thank you very much!